How Is Akili Network Bridging The Socio-Economic Gap In Edutainment?

While the edutainment industry continues to grow and gain momentum in Kenya and Africa at large, it still grapples with a number of challenges. Among them, the lack of access and affordability in low income households.
Kenya has a little over 20 million children under the age of 14 years. These are young minds with great potential that need to be nurtured. Children with access to edutainment are set apart as they have an opportunity to supplement their curriculum based education with fun, engaging and nourishing content that helps them develop socially, emotionally, psychologically as well as academically. This means a child with no access to such content is left behind and is at a disadvantage. With a third of Kenyans living below the poverty line, very few families can afford pay TV or internet bundles let alone Wifi.
Is it possible to level the playing field?
We believe it is. Akili Network is at the forefront of addressing the socio-economic inequalities in the edutainment industry. We’ll tell you how.
First Children’s Free-to-Air Channel
Akili Network launched Akili Kids! in 2020 as the first and only free to air channel catering to the needs of families with children below the ages of 14years, that make up 66% of the Kenyan population. This means with just a digital or smart tv and an aerial anyone can watch Akili Kids! with no monthly subscription.
And what does one stand to gain?
An all rounded child.
Specially Curated Programming
Akili Kids! is dedicated to providing programming that enhances the development of the whole-child. That is cognitive, social-emotional, identity, academic, physical as well as mental development.
All shows that air on the channel have been specially selected by a team of programming experts to ensure that they are not only fun for the child to watch but also have learning outcomes.
Protective Advertising Policy
We have a responsibility to ensure that all the content we put out including advertisement is appropriate and does not in anyway encourage our children to engage in harmful behaviours. Our comprehensive advertising policy ensures that the advertisements do not contain any material which would not be suitable for an unsupervised child to see or use. Akili
Kids! continues to be a trusted brand in Kenyan households. Parents can go about their duties knowing very well that their children are safe while watching the channel.
That is not all.
Available on Baze, powered by Safaricom
“Nitakununulia bundles za cartoons ama nitanunua supper?” This is a common saying in a lot of low income households in Kenya. But with the recent launch of Baze; an online streaming service powered by Safaricom, we look forward to seeing more caregivers in households with no television sets giving their children their phones to watch Akili Kids! shows on Baze for just ten shillings a day. That way all children in the country get to have access to; not just entertaining but educational content, and grow up to be wholesome adults with big dreams and great futures.
Support System
And finally, in our commitment to raising whole children, we find it imperative to build relationships with parents and caregivers. We have been successful in creating a safe space on our Facebook Page and Group that acts as a support system for mums from all walks of life. We use the platform to hold conversations with parents and caregivers pertaining to their well-being and that of their children. It is important for us to stay in communication and work hand in hand with them to ensure that we bring out the best in children as we want all Kenyan parents to know that they will never have to walk alone in their parenting journey.