Akili Kids! Introduces Akili Fam!

As a Community Manager who often interacts with Akili Kids! parents and caregivers, it’s always refreshing to see how invested adults are in these shows that are curated for children. But it comes as no surprise, between work, parenting, house chores and other errands, parents/caregivers are trying hard to find whatever opportunity there is to spend some…

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Customer Service: Hearing Less and Listening More

Ask anyone what comes to mind when they think of customer service. You will most likely hear phrases like, “Being kind and polite to customers”, “Always smiling and being nice” or “Relating well with customers”. This  is definitely true, but not entirely. Formerly, customer service primarily focused on ensuring that clients got the service they…

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A First of its Kind in Kenya

Akili Network’s Protective Advertising Policy I get to spend the third Saturday of every month with my 7 year old nephew. This is also the one day of the month where I have a 7 year old ‘take charge of my life’ telling me what to do, where to eat, what to eat..the list is…

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The Media and Children’s Rights

Universal Access to Information Take a moment to reflect on who you were two years ago and who you are right now. Are you the same person? I know I am not!  The difference between the person you were two years back and who you are at the moment greatly relies on the information and…

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Akili Kids! Presents Spelling Bee; The Show

Upon getting to the event venue at The WestGate Shopping Mall it was somewhat of a surreal moment watching our very first event come to life. There was Blue Band finishing up packing of healthy breakfast boxes for our attendees, on the far right  Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital was busy setting up their equipment ready to offer free medical…

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Academic Giants? How About Well-Round Students Instead?

Most of what I remember from my primary school days was the heavy emphasis on academic performance which led me to believe that any minute not spent studying was a minute wasted. I felt guilty for sleeping or even going to the pitch to play after school hours. Towards the end of my primary school…

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