How We Keep Our Creative Juices Flowing At Akili Network!

Akili Kids Office Background

Have you ever been in a situation at work where you were constantly demotivated and uninspired to get anything done? Did it get to a point where work began to feel boring and mundane, whereby exciting activities like content creation that gave you joy before now just felt meh! And tasks that would normally take…

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Kindness At Work: Why It Matters

Emojis with love hearts

At one point or another we have suffered the effects of incivility at work, some of us have had it so rough to a point where we chose to resign for the sake of our mental health.  Kindness is not a very common practice in the corporate world. For the most part, it is associated…

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The Future Of Edutainment


The events that have taken place in the past one year have made us rethink our way of living and the sustainability as well as flexibility of systems that we have created over the years. The pandemic saw schools here in Kenya close for over 10months; a move that the entire country was not prepared…

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